Join Us (page under construction)


Are you a Victorian Avicultural Group or Club of ten or more people?

Would you like to be represented at Local, State and Federal Government levels on all Avicultural related issues?

For XXX your organisation can be informed and represented , as well as becoming part of a unified representative body.

Affiliation with the VAC entitles your organisation to:

·        Send 2 delegates to VAC meetings.

·        A vote on all matters requiring resolution.

·        Receipt of a newsletter (including all minutes) and other circulated material.

·        A say on matters affecting bird keepers in Victoria.


Affiliation with the VAC does not affect your club’s affiliations with other organisations.

Any clubs holding Victorian Bird Expo’s are required to also pay a $XX bird sale levy.

If you would like to become affiliated with the the VAC please complete the form below & include your fees and send it to our Treasurer.

Alternatively contact our Secretary directly for more information.

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